Beginner Skiing for Your Winter Wonderland Dreams


Many people dream of playing in the snow and doing winter sports but often do not have the time or money to pursue these winter sporting dreams. But if you have saved some money to make your winter skiing sports a reality, would you know where to start? It takes more than buying winter gear like an Obermeyer jacket, goggles, or ski boots to make you a skiing star on the slopes.

Skiing was not a sport in origin. Scandinavian farmers, hunters and warriors used skis regularly from prehistory through the Middle Ages. It later transformed into a competition when Swedish armies used it for their training. These days, skiing is a sport that is accepted in the mainstream but also has an extreme version that thrill-seeking sports fanatics dare to do. Here are some things to remember before you plunge into the sport.


It would be best if you did a warm-up before you put on your skis. Stretching your leg muscles and your arms is essential to make moving in the snow easier. You also need to condition your abdominal muscles because you’ll rely on them a lot as you bend and twist your body when on your skis.

You can do a short hike on the slopes and then ski down to the valley, or you can do some simple cardio exercises in your room if you prefer to take the ski lift. Some people prefer to spend a few days in to acclimatize to the weather, so make sure your body has adjusted to the temperature and the pressure wherever you spend your winter holiday.

Pack Up

Do some research on what is the best winter gear you could afford to balance comfort and safety. If you plan to do the sport as a regular hobby, you could purchase winter gear that you could use for a long time. But if you are still only trying out the sport, you can visit the skiing and winter gear rental shops for the kind of equipment you need. This way, you need not spend too much on clothing and tools you might not pursue in the future.

These days, dressing accordingly (and comfortably)is the best way to approach winter wear. You don’t need to wear fur, because other materials could help you keep warm in extreme temperatures. Wool, silk, nylon and polyester could help you stay warm, so choose undershirts and socks made of these materials. Choose a jacket that uses the latest “warm technology” especially if you don’t like wearing bulky gear. You can still wear a pair of jeans, a jacket, a hat, and a pullover and still look comfortable and cool.

Prepare For High Altitude Sickness


Most ski resorts are in higher altitudes as they are cold and covered with snow for the rest of the year. This sometimes leads to altitude sickness, especially if you did not spend time acclimatizing to the weather. As altitude increases, the air pressure decreases. It often manifests as shortness of breath, which later on develops into hyperventilation, exhaustion, and nausea.

So how can you avoid it? You need to make sure to drink a good amount of water. Lessen your alcohol intake a few days before the trip, and even during your acclimatizing period. Try adding more electrolytes in your drinks. Coconut water or other energy drinks are a good source of electrolytes.

Aprés-Ski Boots

Aprés-Ski means “after ski”. Choose boots you can wear on the slopes and off the slopes, especially if you plan to spend some time with friends and family for some after-skiing entertainment and partying. There are many brands and styles you can buy, but make sure to choose one that suits your plans and your budget.

If you plan to pursue the sport, make sure to choose several so you would have several to use during the winter season. There are always trendy boots in various collections that are comfortable, but you need to buy a pair that suits your skill level and budget.

Hire a Trainer

Ski resorts have skiing trainers who could teach you the basics, so take advantage of this and let a teacher join you on your first day on the slopes. The trainer could teach you not only skiing moves, but also vital emergency skills that could save your life when you meet an accident while skiing.

Skiing involves high speed and equipment that increases its risks as well. Make sure to follow the guidelines, wear the right gear, and know the lay of the land before you ski off to your winter wonderland. ;

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